Define Black Male Privilege? That is exactly what Dr L'Hereux Lewis, an Assistant Professor of Sociology at CUNY says he can do. His work is part of a new segment on Wake Up Call on masculinity called: *'Between Peril & Privilege'.*
The recession has been dubbed a 'man'-cession' due its disproportionate impact on men; blue collar white men, middle class white men, Hispanics and African Americans. With destroyed industries and upward spiraling unemployment; the rise and rise of Rush Limbaugh who takes white middle class male sense of failure and turns it into rage, the ascent of a black man as president and a new generation of scholars - black and white - arguing we must re-define masculinity, Wake Up Call brings you this new segment. For social justice black men are so often in peril; in so many other elements of society white men enjoy privilege.
'Between Peril & Privilege' is the segment where Wake Up Call brings you provocative, critical analysis on masculinity. BYRON HURT, award winning film-maker, essayist and gender activist and MARK ANTHONY NEAL, a professor at Duke University and the author of New Black Man: Re-thinking Black Masculinity join Wake Up Call host, Esther Armah.
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