8:30 am Continental breakfast
9:00-9:30 Intro: E. Patrick Johnson, Northwestern University
Welcome: Barbara O’Keefe, Dean, School of Communication,
Northwestern University
Opening Remarks: Harry Elam, Stanford University
Dwight McBride, Northwestern University
9:30-11:00 Panel 1
Moderator: Margaret Thompson Drewal, Northwestern University
Keynote: Awam Amkpa, New York University
Archetypes, Stereotypes and Polytypes:
Theatres of the Black Atlantic
Faculty Respondent: Hershini Young, SUNY-Buffalo
Student Respondent: Olateju Adesida, Northwestern University
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:45 Panel 2
Moderator: Tracy Vaughn, Northwestern University
Keynote: Brandi Catanese, University of California-Berkeley
“Are We There Yet?”: Race, Redemption, and Black. White.
Faculty Respondent: Paul Bryant Jackson, Miami University of Ohio
Student Respondent: Javon Johnson, Northwestern University
12:45-1:45 Lunch
2:00-3:30 Panel 3
Moderator: Jennifer DeVere Brody, Northwestern University
Keynote: Louis Chude-Sokei, UC-Santa Cruz
“The Darky Act Makes Brothers of Us All”:
Pan-African Soundings of the African American Voice.
Faculty Respondent: Sandra Richards, Northwestern University
Student Respondent: Lori Baptista, Northwestern University
3:45-5:15 Panel 4
Moderator: Huey Copeland, Northwestern University
Keynote: Daphne Brooks, Princeton University
“Fucking A”:
Toward A Genealogy of Black Feminist Profanity
Faculty Respondent: Harvey Young, Northwestern University
Student Respondent: Tamara Roberts, Northwestern University
5:15 Closing Remarks:
Stephanie Batiste, Carnegie Mellon University
8:00 pm Staged Reading: “Sweet Tea” A performance based on
the oral histories of black gay men of the South.
E. Patrick Johnson, Northwestern University
Intro: Cedric Brown, Black Gay Letters & Arts Movement (BGLAM)
of San Francisco
Performance Response: D. Soyini Madison, UNC-Chapel Hill
Wallis Theater, Theater & Interpretation Center
1949 Campus Drive
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